Traversing the desert!! San Diego to Texas
The grade on the road coming out of the mountains in southern California was a good lesson learning opportunity for us, after a 10 minute break to let our breaks cool down, we reintroduced ourself to the engine breaking system, and were on our way! We definitely have a new appreciation for truckers after hauling this beast around!
Here is a shot of the dunes, and all the boondockers who just pull over and whip out their ATVs and start zooming around the dunes, it was pretty cool to watch.
Desert outside of Manzanita, CA
A quick pit stop at the old prison in Yuma, and we were on our way to our campsite in Gila Bend, AZ, literally in the middle of no where with signs all over warning us of rattle snakes and scorpions (the boys were terrified), but not too terrified to walk to the shallow and HEATED pool they have here, very luxurious haha. Finishing the night off with a beautiful sunset, some baby bro cuddles, and marshmellows on our little campfire.

It was a childhood dream for Clarence to see Biosphere 2, so it was one of our pitstops on the way! Although a lot of it was closed off because of current research being done, tones of it was accessible. It was super hot, and a great walk for the kiddos! On of my favorites is Percy and I on the staircase… he refused any help and did the whole staircase himself! He’s an independent man now haha
Next a quick pass through New Mexico
After a quick stop over in El Paso to fix our bathroom faucet and get some park time, we were off to Fort Davis and the Caverns of Sonora - they will get their own blog page :) haha
Here some random shots from this portion of the trip, including a shot of nifty bath insert we got so Decky and P could still have a splash in our shower!