Long Bus Rides

Grant Pass, OR to Los Angeles, CA - 11 hrs of driving in two days! (stopover at the Chico Rice Farm in Willows, CA)

  • Hugh doing Grade 1 school work

  • Waylon doing Pre School workbook

  • Percy “coloring” - mostly giving himself tattoos haha

  • Declan Snoozing in his seat, or rolling on the floor while I make lunch for everyone

  • Lunch breaks (typically at a playground that we can find along the way)

  • Cuddles with Gary whenever he will allow

  • Hangs in big bro’s bunk

  • Crafts

  • Movies on the Ipad

  • Naps

  • Lots of snacks (Karli is the official snack wench on the bus)

  • Clarence white knuckling it at the steering wheel haha


A Day Out at Sea


The Redwoods