The first few days
We knew the first 5-7 days were going to be rocky! We hadn’t tested the water system on this “new to us” motorhome and we hadn’t really had to drive it much, or test all its functions. After 2 attempts at loading the minivan on the back, adding some air in the trailer for the van, and loading up on our last Tim Hortons for a long time, we were on our way.
We made it as far as Crowsnest Pass (we were planning to make it all the way to Creston(LOL). The golf Course manager let us park in his lot for free, and even helped us in the morning when the motorhome wouldn’t start!
After a cold wintery stop over in Fernie, we finally made it to Creston to Visit David and Z and the kids, the visit was way to short, but so wonderful to see them!
Next we were off to Washington, with a stop over in Spokane, we then made it to our next Harvest Host stop - the Lefever Holbrook Ranch” in Goldendale, WA
Next we stopped in Newport, OR. While Clarence Worked, Karli took the kids to the Aquarium, which they loved, even getting to touch some starfish!
While in Newport, we finally had warm enough temperatures to hook up all our water, and of course, it flooded our kitchen…
Luckily the Monaco Motorhome repair specialist were only 1.5 hours south of Newport, so we headed there. We were able to camp there while they repaired a lot of wiring, plumbing and battery issues that had accumulated in the previous few days.
While stuck in Coburg, OR getting our motorhome fixed we did a day trip to the Oregon Coast, where we checked out Thors Well (unfortunately we got there during low tide, so never got to see it in action!) and the Sea Lion Caves, which holy moly, which considered skipping, but was actually a really cool experience, very fun and fascinating seeing so many sea lions so close up!
We’re closing out this post with a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Charlie girl, the boys miss you guys like crazy!